We Have the Power to Impact The Future

And We’re Doing Something About It.

First he lost hope, then he lost his life.

Kevin | 1990 - 2016

Our Mission

Oasis Housing saves and changes the lives of high-risk individuals with mental illness by providing transitional and permanent housing with onsite supportive services.

What We Do

Oasis provides family style boarding homes for individuals with emotional or mental illness. We prepare meals and have abundant snacks available. Staff assists residents with their needs, supervises medication and keeps the home clean and orderly. As needed, we take residents to appointments and help them with applications for benefits for which they may qualify. Staff help residents stabilize and works with them to help them live their best life. At times, a resident may be able to move into an independent apartment while others will need more support long term.

A Caring Family-style Environment

Oasis homes are in regular neighborhoods. Residents can come and go as they desire; it is not a lockdown situation. As in any family, we ask for the courtesy of letting us know if they will miss a meal or be gone overnight. They have chore assignments which rotate between them, and staff teaches them how to do a task if they don’t know how. Cleaning their rooms and doing their own laundry is their responsibility—staff reminds them and assists as needed. 

We have animals and residents help care for them. We celebrate holidays with decorations and special meals. Individual birthdays are celebrated. We have nice yards and gardens and our well-maintained homes fit nicely into the neighborhood.

Working on a Better Future Now

The need is great. There are thousands of people with mental health needs that do not have the support needed to live their best life. Many are on the streets. Having a safe place to live, food to eat, the ability to shower and have clean clothes is a basic step to improving lives. When that is in place, support services and needed health care and medication can be provided.

So many lives are lost each year to suicide and illness brought on by lack of medical care. We, as a society, can do better. We can care for all our people.

As Oasis grows, we can provide that help for more.